Paulino Spectacles – The Art of Handcrafted Eyewear from Portugal The brands we showcase at our optical, like Paulino Spectacles reflect who we are, family owned, quality, small scale, unique and inspired by travel. The handmade process of these pieces only use the best of Italian Mazzucchelli acetate, as they are known … Read More
Teresa C1076
Paulino Spectacles – The Art of Handcrafted Eyewear from Portugal The brands we showcase at our optical, like Paulino Spectacles reflect who we are, family owned, quality, small scale, unique and inspired by travel. The handmade process of these pieces only use the best of Italian Mazzucchelli acetate, as they are known for … Read More
Ramiro C1007B
Paulino Spectacles – The Art of Handcrafted Eyewear from Portugal The brands we showcase at our optical, like Paulino Spectacles reflect who we are, family owned, quality, small scale, unique and inspired by travel. The handmade process of these pieces only use the best of Italian Mazzucchelli acetate, as they are known for … Read More
Ramiro C105
Paulino Spectacles – The Art of Handcrafted Eyewear from Portugal The brands we showcase at our optical, like Paulino Spectacles reflect who we are, family owned, quality, small scale, unique and inspired by travel. The handmade process of these pieces only use the best of Italian Mazzucchelli acetate, as they are known … Read More
Filipa C170 Sun
Paulino Spectacles – The Art of Handcrafted Eyewear from Portugal The brands we showcase at our optical, like Paulino Spectacles reflect who we are, family owned, quality, small scale, unique and inspired by travel. The handmade process of these pieces only use the best of Italian Mazzucchelli acetate, as they are known … Read More
Filipa C160 Sun
Paulino Spectacles – The Art of Handcrafted Eyewear from Portugal The brands we showcase at our optical, like Paulino Spectacles reflect who we are, family owned, quality, small scale, unique and inspired by travel. The handmade process of these pieces only use the best of Italian Mazzucchelli acetate, as they are known … Read More
Daisy 1
GANEKO UNIT is making eye wear pursuing the combination of new materials, original design and comfort with the slogan “Normal but not boring, unique but not burdensome.” Most likely lost in translation, this Korean Brand is a great blend of materials and styles. Founded in 2012 it has been growing in influence and popularity in Korea and brought to … Read More
GANEKO UNIT is making eye wear pursuing the combination of new materials, original design and comfort with the slogan “Normal but not boring, unique but not burdensome.” Most likely lost in translation, this Korean Brand is a great blend of materials and styles. Founded in 2012 it has been growing in influence and popularity in Korea and brought to … Read More
Europe 7
GANEKO UNIT is making eye wear pursuing the combination of new materials, original design and comfort with the slogan “Normal but not boring, unique but not burdensome.” Most likely lost in translation, this Korean Brand is a great blend of materials and styles. Founded in 2012 it has been growing in influence and popularity in Korea and brought … Read More