New in the World of Glasses

Victor LopesFrames for Fashion

Carson frame by Monoqool gives a bold statement Ponderosa green

by Dr. Nadine Shelton New in the world of glasses Most of us that wear glasses are familiar with the options involved when buying glasses. New technologies and innovations are emerging and making waves in the optical world. Here are a few things to consider when shopping that are new in the world of glasses. Transitions Lenses Lenses that react … Read More

Paulino Spectacles: The art of handcrafted eye wear from Portugal

Victor LopesFrames for Fashion

Ramiro Paulino

By Dr. Nadine Shelton Paulino Spectacles The brands we showcase at our optical, like Paulino Spectacles reflect who we are. Family owned, quality, small scale, unique and inspired by travel. Ramiro Paulino is the owner, designer and third generation eyewear family member who is committed to fine craftsmanship and style. The brand had its start in the 1930’s with Bernardo … Read More

Got Dry Eyes?

Victor LopesEye Health

Dry Eyes

Dry Eyes Have you experienced scratchy eyes or tearing eyes lately? They both represent dry eye symptoms and even though these seem like different problems. Other symptoms can include intermittent blurred vision, stinging eyes, red eyes and a sensation of heavy eyelids. Dry eyes occur when the quantity or quality of your tears fails to keep the surface of your … Read More