Your Allergy & Treatment Tips for Your Irritated Eyes

Victor LopesEye Health

eye allergy

by Dr. Nadine Shelton Allergy and your irritated Eye Eye irritation from your allergy is a common problem that I see every year. Flowers and other pollen emitting plants are filling the air we breath each spring and summer.  Here are some tips to help treat and ease some common symptoms: Minimize your contact with known allergy triggers: avoid going … Read More

Treatment Tips for Dry Eye

Victor LopesEye Health

dry eye

by Dr. Nadine Shelton Dry Eye The feelings of scratchy eyes or tearing eyes are a couple of symptoms of dry eye, even though these seem like different problems. Other symptoms can include intermittent blurred vision, stinging eyes, red eyes and a sensation of heavy eyelids. Dry eye occur when the quantity or quality of your tears fails to keep … Read More

Eye Catching Nuptials

Victor LopesFrames for Fashion

AM eyewear “Habib”

By Dr. Nadine Shelton You wear glasses – Make your wedding dress and eye wear easy on your eyes Be glamorous. Be Bold. Whether you wear glasses or not, wow all around you with a perfect frame that fits you from head to toe. It’s your big day! As I see it, most who wear glasses without hesitation, despite the … Read More

Got Dry Eyes?

Victor LopesEye Health

Dry Eyes

Dry Eyes Have you experienced scratchy eyes or tearing eyes lately? They both represent dry eye symptoms and even though these seem like different problems. Other symptoms can include intermittent blurred vision, stinging eyes, red eyes and a sensation of heavy eyelids. Dry eyes occur when the quantity or quality of your tears fails to keep the surface of your … Read More