by Dr. Nadine Shelton Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer The Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer (HFA) is a tool for measuring the human visual field. Especially the detection from a single eye viewing area. A visual field test is used to measure how far you can see to the sides, up and down. It also tests the sensitivity of certain parts of … Read More
Giving Back to Our Communities
by Dr. Nadine Shelton Giving Back Giving back Social and Environmental responsibility are important with us at nv. We applaud serious commitments to socially responsible actions. Giving back to the community in any form is good thing. We also appreciate that not everyone cares about the same things in the same way. What’s important to us may not be important … Read More
Your Allergy & Treatment Tips for Your Irritated Eyes
by Dr. Nadine Shelton Allergy and your irritated Eye Eye irritation from your allergy is a common problem that I see every year. Flowers and other pollen emitting plants are filling the air we breath each spring and summer. Here are some tips to help treat and ease some common symptoms: Minimize your contact with known allergy triggers: avoid going … Read More
Treatment Tips for Dry Eye
by Dr. Nadine Shelton Dry Eye The feelings of scratchy eyes or tearing eyes are a couple of symptoms of dry eye, even though these seem like different problems. Other symptoms can include intermittent blurred vision, stinging eyes, red eyes and a sensation of heavy eyelids. Dry eye occur when the quantity or quality of your tears fails to keep … Read More
The Pain and Treatment for a Scratched Eye
by Dr. Nadine Shelton Causes of a Scratched Eye A scratched eye, is most commonly the result of the outer surface of the cornea being scratched by an object or the effect of an abrasion. There are several instances where one can suffer from a scratched eye. As a parent, there has been a time where my child randomly poked … Read More