Winnipeg’s Latest Humphrey Visual Field Testing

Victor LopesEye Health

visual field

by Dr. Nadine Shelton

Our Visual Field Analyzer is made by Zeiss, a world leader in eye care diagnostics.


Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer

The Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer (HFA) is a tool for measuring the human visual field. Especially the detection from a single eye viewing area. A visual field test is used to measure how far you can see to the sides, up and down. It also tests the sensitivity of certain parts of the retina, while you concentrate on a central target. The eye is required to look at a target straight ahead. You will press a button each time you see a light flash around the area. Once the test is complete a report will show the effectiveness of your eye around the central target.  

Glaucoma is one of many diseases optometrists determines the eye damage over time using the HFA test. Eye disease damage is usually very slow and subtle, which can be tested periodically before the patient notices problems.  A visual field can also be used to detect any blind spots in the field of view caused by issues with the eye’s nervous system. Eye doctors make a more reliable diagnosis in eye diseases from the patterns resulting from the visual field test. 


What to expect when taking a test

There are few different tests that are used depending on the disease or problem. They can focus on a specific area of the field or be used to look at the overall visual field. Repeating the tests on a regular basis helps the doctor assess the progression of the eye disease.

A visual field machine looks like a large hollow box. Patients look into the machine and see a large white semi circle. During the test, the patient is instructed to look at a central target with one or both eyes and click a button when a light flashes in their peripheral vision. Each test takes about 5-7 minutes and results are available immediately after the test is done. These results are stored in the machine and can be used to follow progression over time. Your eye doctor will recommend regular field tests for certain conditions and often are also required by MPI in order to maintain a drivers license.

Please call us at 204-504-6863 to schedule a visual field or if you have any questions about this equipment. nv eye care is happy to announce the additional service of visual field testing with our new Zeiss Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer. Most medically required tests are covered by Manitoba Health and Esterman tests required by Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) for your drivers license are currently $40 per test. 


visual field

Co-owner Victor Lopes demonstrating nv’s latest Visual Field equipment.

Eye Care at nv During COVID-19

Here at nv eye care & eye wear we are open for all your routine and emergent eye care. We limit the people in our office during COVID. It is best to call ahead or email to ensure we are not busy helping someone else. 

Please call the Misericordia Urgent Eye Care Clinic at 204-774-6581, if you have eye issues and are feeling sick, or for afterhours eye care. You must call us to reschedule any appointments you have made with us, if you are feeling sick.


nv flagship location

nv eye care & eye wear located at 698 Corydon Ave in Winnipeg, Canada


Eye Care Advice

We are here for your eye care needs during these difficult times. Do not hesitate to call or email us at nv eye care & eye wear, if you have any questions. For more answers to your vision health questions, please contact me, Dr. Nadine Shelton at nv eye care eye wear, 204-504-6863 or to learn more about us at


Dr. Nadine Shelton wearing Joan in Vinylize’s Havana styled Tortoise colouring

The Owner

Dr. Nadine Shelton B.Sc, O.D. studied at University of Winnipeg, Canada and Indiana University, USA. She has worked abroad in Guanajuato, Mexico assisting outreach patient eye care with VOSH (Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity). Her university days focused on early child eye care and low vision. Dr. Shelton has been practicing optometry for fifteen years in Winnipeg and has celebrated five years in her own practice with her partner Victor Lopes in the heart of the Corydon Village called nv. nv is a full service optical where eye exams are available and a great selection of unique to the city eye wear can be found.  Learn more at, call us at (204) 504-6863 or come see us at 100-698 Corydon Ave in Winnipeg, Canada.